This was an incredible experience, that I will never forget! We were welcomed with open arms. I loved the fact I got to teach an English lesson to the students. This experience has helped me understand the culture even more. This visit was my favorite part of the trip! The students were friendly and I felt a part of their school community for the day. The only negative I have is that I pitched my lesson too high as I was unaware of their English capabilities. Next time I will know to make the lesson easier. I assumed they had more English skills than they did.
It was an incredible experience to go to a Chinese school and to meet the students and teachers. I was absolutely blown away by the welcome and the interest in people from another culture and speaking English. I was also so impressed by the school and the staff and students. I could see different cultural differences and operational procedures but an overwhelming feeling that we are all part of the same world and need practise to know how best we can all work together to familiarise the next generation with a global village.
This was far and away the highlight for me. I think it was so satisfying because of the relaxed tone of the school environment and the commitment to openness by the Principal and the group of specialist English teachers.
The visit to the school was a highlight for me. The journey on the fast train, the tour of the school, the observation of lessons, teaching and of course, the beautiful hospitality of the staff. A little more information on the English levels and specific grade levels prior to the tip would have helped with planning and therefore providing a higher quality lesson. Thoroughly worthwhile and enjoyable. Great to compare Want to add a caption to this image? Click the Settings icon. with Australian schools and schooling.